I have a pretty fun life update! Ian and I have adopted my late grandfather's senior Samoyed, Misty. She is ten years old, and spent her life up until now in very rural areas of Ontario. She has never lived in a city before where there's lots of goings-ons, other dogs, and loud traffic. She also has had a very inconsistent-to non-existent grooming schedule, as my grandfather wasn't capable of brushing her himself in his advanced age (96!) and no groomers locally or nearby he could bring her to. She and my Papa moved in with my parents a few years ago, and they have taught her some basics like how to heel and sit properly in the car. BUT this lil lady has more to learn. She can be quite reactive when she sees other dogs while on leash, barking and losing focus on me. She is eager to please but a bit emotional (aren't we all?).
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