Hello! Just wanted to share that I have a piece on display in Portland at Sonny's House of Tattoos and Treasures. It's part of the group show Animal Parade, hosted by Dedmal collective and on display until March 30, 2025.

Hello! Just wanted to share that I have a piece on display in Portland at Sonny's House of Tattoos and Treasures. It's part of the group show Animal Parade, hosted by Dedmal collective and on display until March 30, 2025.
I have a pretty fun life update! Ian and I have adopted my late grandfather's senior Samoyed, Misty. She is ten years old, and spent her life up until now in very rural areas of Ontario. She has never lived in a city before where there's lots of goings-ons, other dogs, and loud traffic. She also has had a very inconsistent-to non-existent grooming schedule, as my grandfather wasn't capable of brushing her himself in his advanced age (96!) and no groomers locally or nearby he could bring her to. She and my Papa moved in with my parents a few years ago, and they have taught her some basics like how to heel and sit properly in the car. BUT this lil lady has more to learn. She can be quite reactive when she sees other dogs while on leash, barking and losing focus on me. She is eager to please but a bit emotional (aren't we all?).
Read moreI've been enjoying listening to some podcasts on Canadian history and recently came across this episode of Minute Women about Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak. I'm so surprised I never came across her work before when living in Canada. Realistically I probably did see it in museums and galleries growing up, but this time around it definitely left an impact on me.
I'm not actively seeking logo or branding projects, so I'm not sure if I will add this to my portfolio, but wanted to share work I made last summer for a pet supply store in Kalamazoo, MI called Barks in the Zoo. The couple who own the store were hoping to incorporate their two fur babies, pup Suki and kitty Sue, into the brand. I created a logo and some brand illustrations for use in their marketing designs.
On September 22nd, 2022, in the middle of the night at an emergency vet hospital, Greer the greyhound passed away.
It's been a little over a month since that night, and I still struggle to convey the agonizing void she left behind. Greer was my dog, but she was also my best friend, my child, my muse. I spent probably 90% of my day-to-day existence with her at my side. Over the last four years, she went to work with me, she ran errands with me, and she kept me company through both a pandemic lockdown and waiting around for my green card to be approved. My husband and I spent a year and a half searching for the perfect home and yard to move our little family into, and Greer only spent one day in it. We moved in on her birthday. And she left the next day.
Read moreHoly shit. I got my green card. After two long years of delays and unknowns, the damn thing just showed up casually in the mail, unannounced, last Sunday afternoon. And I have FEELINGS.
Read moreI used to read constantly as a kid. I used to lie to my mom and tell her I was assigned 15 minutes of reading as homework by my teacher just so I could read instead of doing my actual homework. Then I got a degree in English Literature, which was a lot of reading, and I didn't do it as much for leisure anymore. But, in the last year-ish, I've started reading for fun again and I have some recommendations that just happen to fit the *~spooky vibes~* this month. Enjoy, and let me know in the comments if you've read any of these/will be adding them to your reading list!
Read moreHello hello! It's been a while. For the month of September this year I decided to delete Instagram and not post or check anything there for a whole month...an experiment if you will. Here's what happened.
I was recently featured on the "dlog" over at Awoo Pets. They are a small company based out of New York making sustainable pet accessories from recycled plastic. We use their Roam Harness and Infinity leash on our daily walks and love em. If you want to read a bit about myself, my art, and my greyhound go check out the feature on their site 🙂
Copyright © 2025 Kaila Elders