August 23, 20232 Comments

Meet Misty 💕

I have a pretty fun life update! Ian and I have adopted my late grandfather's senior Samoyed, Misty. She is ten years old, and spent her life up until now in very rural areas of Ontario. She has never lived in a city before where there's lots of goings-ons, other dogs, and loud traffic. She also has had a very inconsistent-to non-existent grooming schedule, as my grandfather wasn't capable of brushing her himself in his advanced age (96!) and no groomers locally or nearby he could bring her to. She and my Papa moved in with my parents a few years ago, and they have taught her some basics like how to heel and sit properly in the car. BUT this lil lady has more to learn. She can be quite reactive when she sees other dogs while on leash, barking and losing focus on me. She is eager to please but a bit emotional (aren't we all?).

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November 1, 20224 Comments

Losing Greer

On September 22nd, 2022, in the middle of the night at an emergency vet hospital, Greer the greyhound passed away.

It's been a little over a month since that night, and I still struggle to convey the agonizing void she left behind. Greer was my dog, but she was also my best friend, my child, my muse. I spent probably 90% of my day-to-day existence with her at my side. Over the last four years, she went to work with me, she ran errands with me, and she kept me company through both a pandemic lockdown and waiting around for my green card to be approved. My husband and I spent a year and a half searching for the perfect home and yard to move our little family into, and Greer only spent one day in it. We moved in on her birthday. And she left the next day.

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July 7, 20221 Comment

what’s going on

Trying to celebrate my green card arriving, but lots of difficult things on my mind
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June 23, 2022No Comments

I got my GREEN CARD! Now what?

Holy shit. I got my green card. After two long years of delays and unknowns, the damn thing just showed up casually in the mail, unannounced, last Sunday afternoon. And I have FEELINGS.

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October 14, 2021No Comments

Spooky Reads for October

I used to read constantly as a kid. I used to lie to my mom and tell her I was assigned 15 minutes of reading as homework by my teacher just so I could read instead of doing my actual homework. Then I got a degree in English Literature, which was a lot of reading, and I didn't do it as much for leisure anymore. But, in the last year-ish, I've started reading for fun again and I have some recommendations that just happen to fit the *~spooky vibes~* this month. Enjoy, and let me know in the comments if you've read any of these/will be adding them to your reading list!

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October 1, 20214 Comments

A month “off” Instagram

Hello hello! It's been a while. For the month of September this year I decided to delete Instagram and not post or check anything there for a whole experiment if you will. Here's what happened.

A smiling greyhound looks up at the viewer next to the words "We'll be right back"
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March 2, 2021No Comments

Monthly update

Greer the greyhound stands in the snow, wearing a black and white plaid sweater, and a little grey hat with a pink pom pom on top. The words February 2021 are in the bottom left corner.

Hello! It's March today. Thought I'd do a bit of a round up of what went on in my life the past month. Also I'm just realizing I didn't do a year in review post (which I have done the previous two years). I guess it felt like the year didn't really end since we are still in lockdown.

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January 26, 2021No Comments

Bloggy blog

An overhead view of a cabin room, and a greyhound sleeping below

Aka a regular blog post, an update of my life lately

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October 8, 2020No Comments

Eye Surgery – PRK ✨

Well, after a very long buildup (like 15-20ish years), I finally went through with correcting my vision with laser eye surgery. A bit of background; I first needed glasses when I was eight years old, and my vision pretty much deteriorated every year until my mid-twenties, when it stabilized at a prescription around -6.00/-7.00. Laser surgery is not recommended unless your vision has been stable for several years, so it was sort of a shiny, unattainable object to me most of my life. Last year, I mustered the courage to ask my eye doctor about it at my yearly exam, and she enthusiastically let me know I was a perfect candidate and handed me a list of referral clinics to contact. I brought my list home but pretty much chickened out and ordered my year's supply of contacts the next day.

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October 2, 2020No Comments

weekly update: sept 26 – oct 3

Hello! I got a new chair! And I'm very excited. I think a lot of people can relate to the all of a sudden WFH life. I was working from home before Covid really hit, but I definitely wasn't sitting at a desk for the majority of the day. I moved around a lot between the kitchen table, the couch (drawing on my ipad) and Ian's desk. Now Ian is occupying his desk, and I've taken on more work and projects where it makes the most sense for me to be at my "desk," which is actually our dining room table (which we never eat at).

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