Hello! It's March today. Thought I'd do a bit of a round up of what went on in my life the past month. Also I'm just realizing I didn't do a year in review post (which I have done the previous two years). I guess it felt like the year didn't really end since we are still in lockdown.
I have fallen hard off the blogging train, and with all that's going on in the world I think that's probably just fine. But I would like to start some version of a weekly or monthly journal update here, for a couple reasons. I've felt so many wild emotions in the last five months and it's interesting even looking through drafts of blog posts that I never ended up uploading to see where my headspace was at. I also would like to start a Patreon in the future, and my favourite thing about the artists I support there are the inside look at their work week, or month, or current client projects. I'm unable to start a Patreon until I get my green card, so for now I think it would be interesting to get in the practice of it here.