November 1, 20224 Comments

Losing Greer

On September 22nd, 2022, in the middle of the night at an emergency vet hospital, Greer the greyhound passed away.

It's been a little over a month since that night, and I still struggle to convey the agonizing void she left behind. Greer was my dog, but she was also my best friend, my child, my muse. I spent probably 90% of my day-to-day existence with her at my side. Over the last four years, she went to work with me, she ran errands with me, and she kept me company through both a pandemic lockdown and waiting around for my green card to be approved. My husband and I spent a year and a half searching for the perfect home and yard to move our little family into, and Greer only spent one day in it. We moved in on her birthday. And she left the next day.

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April 11, 2021No Comments

I’ve been featured!

I was recently featured on the "dlog" over at Awoo Pets. They are a small company based out of New York making sustainable pet accessories from recycled plastic. We use their Roam Harness and Infinity leash on our daily walks and love em. If you want to read a bit about myself, my art, and my greyhound go check out the feature on their site 🙂

Kaila sits at her desk with her greyhound sitting on her lap

March 2, 2021No Comments

Monthly update

Greer the greyhound stands in the snow, wearing a black and white plaid sweater, and a little grey hat with a pink pom pom on top. The words February 2021 are in the bottom left corner.

Hello! It's March today. Thought I'd do a bit of a round up of what went on in my life the past month. Also I'm just realizing I didn't do a year in review post (which I have done the previous two years). I guess it felt like the year didn't really end since we are still in lockdown.

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January 26, 2021No Comments

Bloggy blog

An overhead view of a cabin room, and a greyhound sleeping below

Aka a regular blog post, an update of my life lately

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October 2, 2020No Comments

weekly update: sept 26 – oct 3

Hello! I got a new chair! And I'm very excited. I think a lot of people can relate to the all of a sudden WFH life. I was working from home before Covid really hit, but I definitely wasn't sitting at a desk for the majority of the day. I moved around a lot between the kitchen table, the couch (drawing on my ipad) and Ian's desk. Now Ian is occupying his desk, and I've taken on more work and projects where it makes the most sense for me to be at my "desk," which is actually our dining room table (which we never eat at).

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